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From open science to open innovation: How to get more jobs and growth from EU science investments

The EU and its member-states as well as its associated countries invest heavily in big Research Infrastructures like particle accelerators, synchrotrons, telescopes and scientific databases. What does it get for that investment, besides great science? A growing number of lab administrators, economists and policy makers think it can also get more jobs, spin-out companies and economic growth. Through new initiatives, it should be possible to deepen and strengthen European markets for technology services and products spun out from these scientific installations. This Science|Business conference will highlight the new economic thinking in the field, and encourage a policy debate about how to encourage projects that can help – particularly in light of President Juncker’s new investment plan.

At the conference, we will release original research on the topic by Science|Business and by Prof. Henry Chesbrough, the famed University of California-Berkeley professor who coined the term ‘open innovation.’


16:00 Welcome - Richard L. Hudson, Science|Business (and reporting on Science|Business study)

  • Atle Leikvoll, Norwegian Ambassador to the EU

16:10 Big Science: What’s it worth? The economic equation

  • Jan van den Biesen, Vice President Public R&D Programs, Philips Research
  • Augusto Burgueno Arjona, Head of Unit ''e-Infrastructures'', DG Communications Networks, Content & Technology, European Commission
  • Carlo Rizzuto, Chair and Executive Director, CERIC-ERIC (Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium-ERIC)
  • Maria Leptin, Director, European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO)

Moderator: Richard L. Hudson, CEO and Editor, Science|Business 

16:50 From Open Science to Open Innovation – the ATTRACT initiative

Via live webcast: Henry Chesbrough, Professor, ESADE, the Faculty Director, Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley

  • Sergio Bertolucci, Director of Research and Scientific Computing, CERN

17:15 Open Science, open infrastructure: The broader benefits to Europe

  • Alexander Nietzold, CEO and Co-Founder, TIND Technologies
  • Hannu Seristo, Vice President responsible for external relations, Aalto University
  • Jonathan Wareham, Dean of Faculty and Research, ESADE

Moderator: Daria Tataj, Founder and CEO, Tataj Innovation

17:50 The policy prescription

  • Shiva Dustdar, Head of RDI Advisory, European Investment Bank
  • Antonio Di Giulio, Head of Unit, Research Infrastructures, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission
  • Lambert van Niestelrooij, Member of the European Parliament
  • Patricia Reilly, Member of Cabinet, Commissioner Tibor Navracsics

Moderator: John Wood, Secretary-General of the Association of Commonwealth Universities

18:30 Reception



BIG SCIENCE: What’s It Worth?

The world spends millions a year on telescopes, synchrotrons, colliders, DNA databases and other ‘big science’ projects. What does it get for that money?

From Open Science to Open Innovation

This paper highlights the need for developing appropriate new open innovation institutions, to help bridge this gap from open science to open innovation.

Sergio Bertolucci
Director of Research and Scientific Computing, CERN
Jan van den Biesen
Vice President Philips Research, Public R&D Programmes
Augusto Burgueno Arjona
Head of Unit, e-Infrastructure, DG Connect, European Commission
Henry Chesbrough
Professor, ESADE, and Faculty Director, Garwood Center for Corporate Innovation, Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley
Shiva Dustdar
Head of RDI Advisory, European Investment Bank
Antonio di Giulio
Head of Unit, Research Infrastructures, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission
Atle Leikvoll
Ambassador of Norway to the EU
Maria Leptin
Director, European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO)
Alexander Nietzold
CEO and Co-Founder, TIND Technologies
Lambert van Nistelrooij
Member of the European Parliament
Patricia Reilly
Member of Cabinet of Commissioner Tibor Navracsics
Carlo Rizzuto
Chair and Executive Director CERIC-ERIC (Central European Consortium for Research Infrastructures)
Hannu Seristo
Vice President of Aalto University
Daria Tataj
Founder and CEO, Tataj innovation
Jonathan Wareham
Dean of Faculty & Research for the ESADE Business & Law Schools, and Professor of Information Systems at ESADE Business School
John Wood
Secretary General of Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)

From open science to open innovation: How to get more jobs and growth from EU science investments

Event pack
