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New technologies from the European Research Council

Meet the ERC’s Proof of Concept grantees. A by-invitation event organised by the Science|Business Innovation Board.

The Proof-of-Concept Grant (PoC) is a new funding option that was launched in 2011 to offer existing ERC grant holders the possibility to establish the innovation potential of their ideas.

The 178 projects so far selected for funding through peer review evaluation treat topics ranging from innovative drug therapies and new biomaterials, greener and cheaper industrial chemical substances, as well as many other technological and social innovations. This event presents some of the projects.

The ERC is the first pan-European funding body for blue skies research. It was set up in 2007 under the EU's Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7, 2007-2013) and since then, some 4,500 projects have been selected for funding from more than 43,000 applications. The total budget allocated to the ERC for the period 2014-2020 is € 13.1 billion.

Event pack


09:30 - Welcome by Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, President, European Research Council

09:40 - Panel discussion: How to get economic value from frontier research?

10:30 - The ‘elevator pitches’. A first group of five ERC grantees give 3-minute descriptions of the technologies they want to commercialise

11:15 - Coffee break

11:45 - The second group of five elevator pitches

12:15 - Group discussion on the next steps and challenges for the researchers and the programme

12:45 - Lunch

Practical Information

Date: 4 July 2014

Venue: European Research Council, Covent Garden, Place Charles Rogier 16, Brussels

Event pack

Jean-Pierre Bourguignon
President, European Research Council
Peter Gudmundson
President, Royal Institute of Technology, KTH
Laura Montagna
Director, SKF Engineering & Research Centre
Bill Magill
Director, Science Entrepreneurship, INSEAD
Robert-Jan Smits
Director-General, DG RTD, European Commission
Gilbert West
Microsoft Innovation Center Boostcamp
Alberto Broggi
Professor, Universita di Parma; President, VisLab, the Artificial Vision and Intelligent Systems Laboratory
Alfio Quarteroni
Professor of Mathematics, EPFL and Politecnico di Milano; Director, ATHICSE and CADMOS, EPFL
Andreas C. Fischer
Researcher, Department of Micro and Nanosystems, School of Electrical Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Yaakov (Kobi) Benenson
Assistant Professor, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Thomas Crouzier
Researcher, Bioengineering/Biomaterials, Grenoble Institute of Technology
Janusz Bujinicki
Professor, Biology, IIMCB in Warsaw and Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan
Kyle Jamieson
Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Science at University College London
Pascal Jonkheijm
Adjunct Professor, MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente
Garrett D. Cole
Co-Founder, Crystalline Mirror Solutions GmbH
Armagan Kocer
Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience University Medical Center Groningen
