Paris   |     |   Public conference

“Mapping Europe: A review of national experiences with patient outcome measures” Spotlight on France


14:00 - Welcome by Science|Business

 14:05 - EU evidence based policy making – The Commission's vision"

  • by Martin Seychell, Deputy Director General, DG SANTE, European Commission

 14:30 - Mapping the implementation of patient outcome measures across the EU

  • ICHOM’s overview of the EU by Christina Åkerman, President, ICHOM
  • OECD overview of the EU in a global context (including PROMS to assess system performance and Health at a Glance report) by Ian Forde, Senior Policy Analyst, OECD Health Division
  • Insights from around the EU by Martin Ingvar on the Swedish experience, Karolinska Institutet & Adam Wolf on the Danish experience, Danish Regions
  • What can we learn from EIT Health Europe? by Sylvie Bove, CEO, EIT Health

Open discussion moderated by Richard L. Hudson (Editor-in-Chief, Science|Business)

16:00 - Coffee break

16:30 - French case studies

  • Introduction by Jean-Yves Fagon, Ministerial Delegate for Health Innovation, French Ministry for Social Affairs and Health
  • How can patient outcomes measurement help improve the quality and sustainability of the French healthcare system?
    • Alexandre Carpentier, AP-HP
    • Catherine Tourette-Turgis, Fondatrice de l’Université des Patients
    • Didier Miraton, Télé-Médecine et Dispositifs Médicaux 
  • Benchmarking France – how does France compare with other EU member states? By Felix Faucon, French member of the EU expert group on Health Systems Performance Assessment
  • Why the organisation of the healthcare system in France is a reference practice? By a representative of DGOS (expected answer soon)
  • Implementation of Digital Health solutions - lessons learnt in France and examples of innovative outcomes-based contracts in UK, by Julien VENNE, Strategic Advisor, ECHAlliance Europe (former Director of eHealth at University Hospital of Toulouse) and Bleddyn REES, Digital Health and Lawyer at Osborne Clarke, Board Director at ECHAlliance.

Conclusions by Paul Indelicato, Deputy Head of Cabinet, Cabinet of Thierry Mandon, State Secretary for Research

18:00 – Reception

20:00 - End
