Eco-innovation: Harnessing R&D for a green economy - how can industry and universities benefit from the Commission's ‘Eco-Innovation Action Plan’ - streamed live from Brussels.
Organised by the Science|Business Innovation Board AISBL
A green economy is more than a dream; already, the industries operating in this field – clean water, sustainable construction, materials recycling, electric cars, and much more – generate €319 billion in revenue and represent 2.5 per cent of EU GDP, according to the European Commission.
But greater progress requires more innovation. To stimulate it, in late 2011 the Commission launched its ‘Eco-Innovation Action Plan’, a roadmap for new R&D funding, demonstration projects, regulations, technical standards and international cooperation.
European Commissioner for Environment, Janez Potočnik, the plan’s architect, will discuss how industry and universities can benefit from the plan in a Brussels conference Webcast live across the EU.
Hosted by the Mission of Norway to the EU