A Science|Business Future-Proofing Medicines poster session at ESOF 2022 (13:00 – 14:00 CET)
New medical technologies, from cutting-edge oncology and immunotherapies to headline making mRNA and CRISPR gene editing, offer unprecedented opportunities to save lives and improve health outcomes. In parallel, artificial intelligence, data analytics, advanced computing and the more systematic use of health information can improve the delivery of healthcare and medicines worldwide – including the way we discover, develop and approve treatments. However, while we are making great scientific and technological advances, we also observe that too often the benefits of these innovations are not able to reach patients as the treatments are not affordable or accessible.
Over the past months we have watched medicines regulators worldwide meet the unprecedented challenges raised by COVID-19 vaccines. With more forward thinking, perhaps we could make the next crisis, less of a crisis. A “future-proof” approach is desirable. This is also recognised in the European Commission’’s new pharmaceutical strategy and its ongoing revision of the basic pharmaceutical legislation.
At Science|Business, we believe that this is a timely moment for independent, expert reflection on how to achieve this. As such, we have launched Future-Proofing Medicines, a new programme of public events in different EU capitals and series of reports that seek to inform and contribute to this vital debate. To learn more about this ambitious initiative, come and meet Network Director Simon Pickard during the third public poster session during ESOF 2022 in Leiden.
