09.00h – Welcome and Introduction to the Seminar
- Enric Fossas, President, Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP)
- Jaume Giró, General Manager, “la Caixa” Foundation
09.15h - Keynote: Innovation and territory (tentative)
- Soumitra Dutta, Dean and Professor of management and organizations in the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management, Cornell University. Co-editor of the Global Innovation Index (GII)
10.00h - Coffee Break
10.30h – Roundtable: Challenges and Recomandations of Innovation Strategies for Territorial Competitivenes
Chair: Joan Trullén, Director, Barcelona Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies
- Markku Markkula, President, Committee of Regions of the European Union
- James Wilson, Senior Researcher at Orkestra-Basque Institute of Competitiveness and lecturer at the Deusto Business School
- A representative of European business associations (tbc)
11.45 – Presentation of the “Agenda for Innovation and Competitiveness of Catalonia 2015 – 2020” and Closing
- Enric Fossas, President, Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP)
- Joaquim Gay de Montellà, President, Foment del Treball Nacional
- Josep González, President, PIMEC
- M. Hble. Sr. Artur Mas, President, Generalitat de Catalunya (tbc)