A public conference of the CAROTS project to showcase the role of intermediary companies in strengthening ties between industry, research infrastructures and scientific research (10:00 - 12:30 CET).
As the European Commission and rotating EU presidencies are working on the revamped European Research Area, it is time for a change of narrative. To get out of the COVID crisis, research and innovation are the keys to recovery, and that applies to all EU Member states. As Commissioner Mariya Gabriel puts it herself: “The EU no longer aims to bridge the innovation gap in Europe, but to promote “innovation cohesion”. The need to better connect European research and innovation stakeholders is rising on the EU policy agenda. On the ground, turning scientific discoveries into commercial products remains a major challenge in Europe. In parallel, industry players are still under-tapping into the scientific excellence and research infrastructures available across the continent.
The CAROTS project, funded under Interreg Baltic Sea Region, promotes a novel approach to tackle these challenges. Scientific Service Companies aim to support small and large companies through measurements and analysis of scientific data, to push emerging business ideas on the market faster.
On September 21st, the CAROTS project’s final conference will bring together influential voices from research, industry, governments and EU institutions to showcase the relevance of such intermediary players to guide corporates in the research infrastructures ecosystem, accelerate innovation and help bridge the east-west innovation divide.

10:00 - Welcome and introduction by Maryline Fiaschi, CEO, Science|Business
10:05 - The journey of CAROTS: Achievements to date
A live interview with:
- Uwe Sassenberg, CAROTS Project Leader
10:15 - The economic impact of Scientific Service Companies
Presentation of the results of a market study presented by:
- Ron Dekker, Project Leader EOSC Future, Technopolis
10:30 - The new European network of Scientific Service Companies: a value proposition
Presentation by CEOs of Scientific Services Companies:
- Anna Stenstam, CEO, CR Competence
- Gerd Datzmann, Founder and CEO, Datzmann interact & innovate GmbH
10:40 - The CAROTS Startup School: An innovation pipeline
Introduction by:
- Elizabeth Harmstorf, Project Manager for market research, innovation & technology transfer, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Followed by a discussion on case studies of CAROTS Startup School coaches and grantees with:
- Andrew Beale, CSO, Finden
- Solange Sanahuja, CEO, CrispyAI
- Bernhard Hesse, CEO, XPLORAYTION GmbH
- Ahmet Bahadir Yildiz, CEO, Scatterin
11:10 - Connecting the dots: Rethinking the role of industrial R&D in innovation ecosystems
A panel discussion with:
- Ulla Engelmann, Acting Director, Network & governance, DG Grow, European Commission
- Apostolia Karamali, Head of Unit for R&I Actors and Research Careers, DG RTD, European Commission
- Anna Stenstam, CEO, CR Competence
- Magnus Fredriksson, Program Manager, Alfa Laval
- Sotiris Kokkinos, CEO, FEAC Engineering
11:55 - Conclusion: What’s next for CAROTS?
12:00 - 12:30 - Networking session (topic tables)
- How to foster new SSCs through knowledge transfer and being part of a network - CAROTS startup school & MIXN network
- The potential of this emerging market, key factors in setting up a scientific service company
- Having conversations with a large scale research infrastructure
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