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Industrial R&D partnerships: New rules, new opportunities

A private Science|Business Network roundtable

Since the turn of the millennium, the European Commission has actively supported large-scale partnerships with high tech industry sectors, such as the Clean Sky programme and Innovative Medicines Initiative, to address issues of specialisation and funding and to bring R&D outputs closer to market.

More recently, a new strategic platform has emerged – named Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI). This enables EU member states and industries to make huge joint investments in strategic value chains, without risk of being blocked by the Commission’s directorate-general for competition. A first IPCEI worth €1.75 billion has already been announced for microelectronics, with a second in the pipeline in the battery sector.

As the Strategic Planning process gets under way for Horizon Europe, significant questions remain about the objectives and modalities of the next generation of industrial R&D partnerships. This Science|Business Network roundtable, with senior figures from the European Commission, will discuss latest developments in this vital domain and the future prospects for industry to contribute to the long-term goals of the next Framework Programme.


Hosted by

Delegation of the Emilia Romagna region to the EU


Featured Guests
Peter Dröll
Director, Industrial Technologies, DG RTD, European Commission
Jaap Lombaers
Innovation Director, TNO; Member, Executive Board, Photonics21
Colette Maloney
Head of Unit, Competitive Electronics Industry, DG CNECT, European Commission
Bernd Stowasser
Head, European Public Private Partnerships, SANOFI Germany
Mark Nicklas
Head of Unit, Innovation Policy and Investment for Growth, DG GROW, European Commission
Evdoxia Nerantzi
Government Affairs Coordinator, Microsoft
Walter Vermeiren
‎Head, Technology Intelligence and Scientific Information, Total
Demos Spatharis
Head of Unit, R&D&I, IPCEI and environment, DG COMP, European Commission
Lorenza Badiello
Director, Delegation of the Emilia Romagna Region to the EU
Fiona Jamieson
Industry Partnerships & Commercialisation Executive, Imperial College London

Moderator: Carlos Härtel, Special Advisor, Science|Business

09:00     Registration and welcome coffee

09:30     Welcome and opening remarks by Lorenza Badiello, Director, Delegation of the Emilia Romagna Region to the EU, and Maryline Fiaschi, Managing Director, Science|Business

09:40     Horizon Europe and partnerships: What’s currently on the table? What’s new?

Q&A with Peter Dröll followed by a group discussion

10:20     Lessons learned from PPP practitioners

A group discussion with input from members of existing PPPs

11:00     Coffee break

11:30     Are IPCEIs reshuffling the cards of R&D partnerships?

12:15     Future technologies: recommendations from the industry

13:00     Networking lunch

Event Pack


Industrial R&D partnerships: New rules, new opportunities, 9 July 2019, Brussels


For more information, please contact Stefania Gavra at [email protected]
