A private Science|Business Data Rules workshop (14:00 – 16:30 CET)
On September 19, at a hybrid roundtable in Brussels, Science|Business “Data Rules” group will turn its attention to the impact of advanced computing on AI. The first half of the meeting will focus primarily on how the rapid evolution of supercomputers is reshaping conventional boundaries and models in AI technology development. Among the topics to be explored: with the number of parameters in AI models rising dramatically, how is that changing their performance and utility? How will the High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking tackle the AI challenge? And is the EU’s new AI Act future-proofed for the next generation of advanced computers?
The second half of the roundtable will dig deeper into the impact of new computing architecture on AI. Discussions will cover a number of topics, including: to what extent will AI require specialised hardware? What are the implications for semiconductor design and manufacturing, both at an operational level and in terms of Europe’s future strategy, competitiveness and policy goals? And what will quantum computing mean for AI and data analytics in the years to come?
NB: This event is limited to the Data Rules steering group, the Science|Business Network and invited guests. Any Network members who wish to participate, either in person or remotely, should contact Sara Crepaldi, Network Officer, at [email protected].
For further information, please contact [email protected]