Brussels   |     |   Partner event

iMinds The conference 2016

The 2016 edition of iMinds The Conference is all about digital transformation and disruptive trends challenging global economy and society. But challenges come with countless opportunities and perspectives for a bright digital future!

Our top-notch speakers will give you insights on the technologies and digital mindsets needed to help manufacturers, developers, (start-up) businesses, governments and users surf the waves of digital transformation.

The vast exhibition floor will bring to live exciting advances and solutions in domains such as Internet of Things and connected objects, data intelligence, cloudification and digital trust, visualization, and more.

The annual iMinds The Conference is about research that matters; a goal iMinds shares with the 1300+ industry leaders, researchers, innovation managers, entrepreneurs, policy makers and investors joining us in Brussels.


8:30 - 10:00Networking breakfast & Demo exhibition

Advisory talks with iMinds experts (optional). A focused conversation with the right person can give your idea or project a real boost. At iMinds The Conference we will make it easy for you to connect with an iMinds advisor. Read more

10:00 - 10:30: Opening Keynote

Danny Goderis (CEO iMinds) & Luc Van den hove (CEO imec)

10:30 - 10:50: Keynote: Jamie Bartlett

Author of The Dark Net, a book on legal and illegal subcultures

10:50 - 12:00Plenary session "Data-driven economy"

Importance and added value of data science for our future economy. Read more

12:00 - 14:00Networking lunch & Demo exhibition

Advisory talks with iMinds experts (optional). A focused conversation with the right person can give your idea or project a real boost. At iMinds The Conference we will make it easy for you to connect with an iMinds advisor. Read more

14:00 - 15:30:

  • Digital manufacturing. Digital technologies shaping Industry 4.0.Read more

  • Digital trust. Importance of privacy-sensitive digital technologies. Read more

  • Building international companies. How to transform digital start-ups into global leaders. Read more

15:30 - 16:00Networking coffee & Demo exhibition

16:00 - 17:30Plenary session "Everything connected"

Lessons from the pioneers: How to connect things and make them smart. Read more

17:30 - 18:00Closing plenary

Philippe Muyters (Flemish Minister) & Lieven Danneels (Chairman iMinds)

18:00 - ...Networking cocktail with live music