A public Science|Business conference
The autumn brings a major transition period in Brussels, between a new Parliament taking office in July and the next Commission to be appointed by year end. In the research and innovation (R&I) domain, budget discussions and strategic planning will inevitably headline the agenda. Yet beyond the legislative processes, a range of public dialogues will address the impact targets for Horizon Europe in line with long-term EU goals and global challenges.
This Science|Business conference - ahead of DG Research's major stakeholder event in late September - offers an opportunity for the wider European R&I community to debate the right strategy and ambitions for Horizon Europe. On one level, it will invite reflection on the legacy of and lessons learned from Horizon 2020. More importantly, however, it will look to the future and gather high level recommendations for the incoming Parliament and Commission on what Horizon Europe might realistically be expected to deliver through to 2030.

08:00 - Registration and coffee
09:00 - Welcome
09:05 - Taking stock, looking forward: The legacy of Horizon 2020
Q&A with Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, European Commission
Followed by panel discussion, featuring:
- Michael Arthur, Provost and President, University College London
- Antoine Petit, President, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS)
- Yaffa Zilbershats, Chairwoman, Council for Higher Education of Israel
- Hans Hofstraat, Vice President, Philips Research
Moderated by Maryline Fiaschi, Managing Director, Science|Business
10:15 - Coffee break
10:45 - Regenerating Europe: Can circular economy be achieved by 2030?
Perspectives from Jyrki Katainen, Vice President, Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, European Commission and Peter Lacy, Global Managing Director, Growth and Strategy & Global Sustainability Lead, Accenture
Followed by panel discussion:
- Jyrki Katainen, Vice President for Jobs, Growth, Innovation and Competitiveness, European Commission
- Peter Lacy, Global Managing Director (Growth & Strategy) and Global Sustainability Lead, Accenture
- Shiva Dustdar, Head of Division, Innovation Finance Advisory, European Investment Bank
- Aart de Geus, Executive Board Chair, Bertelsmann Stiftung & Supervisory Board Chair, Triodos Bank
Moderated by Simon Pickard, Network Director, Science|Business
Supported by Accenture Strategy
11:45 - Breakout sessions: Roadmaps to success for the next decade
Parallel, 75-minute workshops identifying agendas, ambitions and priorities for Europe’s R&I community
1/ Optimising yields: How can the EIC and national agencies bridge Europe’s innovation gaps? – featuring:
- Jean-David Malo, Director, EIC Task Force, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission
- Jukka Häyrynen, Development Manager, Business Finland & Director, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Government of Finland
- Mona Skaret, Director, Public and Private Sector Innovation, Innovation Norway
- Priya Guha, Venture Partner, Merian Ventures & Council Member, Innovate UK
Moderated by Richard L. Hudson, Editor-in-chief & Vice Chair of the Board, Science|Business
Supported by Business Finland and Innovation Norway
2/ New actors: The prospects for regions, cities and foundations to engage in Horizon Europe – featuring:
- Daria Tataj, Chair, RISE Advisory Group, European Commission & CEO, Tataj Innovation
- Annika Annerby Jansson, President, Regional Council of Skåne (Sweden)
- Mari Solerød, Chair, JPI Urban Europe
- Ignacio Lopez Verdeguer, Director, Department of Science & Fellowships, la Caixa Foundation
- Leo le Duc, Director, Science and Business, Amsterdam Science Park
Moderated by Florin Zubascu, Online Editor, Science|Business
3/ Smart science: How can Al help universities and researchers in Europe?– featuring:
Opening presentation from Rose L’Huillier, Vice-President, Product Management Reading in Research Products, Elsevier, followed by panel debate:
- Lucilla Sioli, Director for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Industry, DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission
- Loubna Bouarfa, Chief Executive Officer, OKRA Technologies
- Erik Schwartz, Vice-President, Product Management, Search & Application Service in Research Products, Elsevier
- Gelejn Meijer, Rector, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
- Davide Bacciu, Assistant Professor, University of Pisa
Moderated by David Pringle, Senior Advisor, Science|Business
Supported by Elsevier
4/ A green new deal: How R&I can drive the decarbonisation of Europe – featuring:
- Bertrand Deprez, Vice President European Affairs, Schneider Electric
- Tudor Constantinescu, Principal Advisor, DG Energy, European Commission
- Gilles Badot, Head of Division – Infrastructure, New Products & Special Transactions, European Investment Bank
- Guillaume Gillet, European Union Business Unit Director, InnoEnergy
- Adel El Gammal, Secretary General, European Energy Research Association
- Nailia Dindarova, Public Affairs Lead, Principle Power
Moderated by John Wyles, Member, Science|Business Board
Supported by KIC InnoEnergy
13:00 - Networking lunch
14:00 - From Brussels to the moon: What can R&I deliver for Europe by 2030?
Presentation of key perspectives from the Science|Business Network by Anne Borg, Acting Rector, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), followed by Q&A with the audience
Moderated by Richard L. Hudson, Editor-in-Chief and Vice-Chair of the Board, Science|Business
14:30 - Value-based healthcare: How technologies can improve care across the EU
Opening presentation of the Life savers: The value of medical and digital technology in breast cancer care report by Christine Muzel, Vice-Chair, Value-Based Healthcare, COCIR and Head of Health Economics and Market Access EMEA, Royal Philips
Followed by panel discussion, featuring:
- Christine Muzel, Vice Chair, Value-Based Healthcare, COCIR and Head of Health Economics and Market Access EMEA, Royal Philips
- Cristian-Silviu Bușoi, Member, European Parliament
- Sylvain Giraud, Head of Unit, Health Systems,DG Health and Food Safety, European Commission
- Jelena Burianová, Senior Researcher, Czech National Radiation Protection Institute (SURO) & Coordinator, Mamma Help
- Ben Glocker, Reader, Machine Learning for Imaging, Imperial College London; Scientific Advisor, Kherion Medical Technologies
- Johan Van Eldere, Head of Internationalisation, UZ Leuven; Full Professor, KU Leuven
Moderated by Maria dM Vivanco, Principal Investigator, CIC bioGUNE
Supported by COCIR
15:30 - Coffee break
16:00 - Europe 2024: A new health agenda
Presentation of the special report Europe 2024: A new health agenda, by Dominika Sarecka-Tuncer, Senior Vice-President, Head of External Affairs Europe, Sanofi
16:20 - Strategic planning: Co-creating Horizon Europe
Q&A with Jean-Eric Paquet, Director-General, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission
Followed by panel discussion, featuring:
- Jean-Eric Paquet, Director-General, DG Research and Innovation, European Commission
- Tome Antičić, State Secretary for Science and EU Funds, Government of Croatia
- Katrin Rehak-Nitsche, Senior Vice President of Science and Research, Robert Bosch Stiftung
- Frédéric Kaplan, Digital Humanities Chair, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne; Project Manager, Time Machine
- Maria da Graça Carvalho, Member, European Parliament
Moderated by Richard L. Hudson, Editor-in-Chief and Vice-Chair of the Board, Science|Business
17:30 - Close of conference, followed by networking reception
Venue: Hotel Metropole Brussels - Place De Brouckère 31, 1000 Bruxelles.
For more information on this event, please contact Lysiane Pons ([email protected])