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The EOSC: Who pays and how?

A Cloud Consultation Group meeting

The second part of the workshop on potential business models for the European Open Science Cloud will focus on the financial mechanics that will underpin this bold initiative.  It will explore how stakeholders can be compensated for contributing their research data and tools to the cloud, considering potential sources of revenue and who will need to pay for what.

Preliminary Agenda

The topics of discussion will include:

  • The EOSC state of play - Update from Jean-Claude Burgelman of the European Commission
  • How will the science cloud make money - Review of the principles and assumptions from part one of the workshop
  • Monetisation - The potential mechanisms that could be use to enforce these principles
  • Forecasting revenues - Modelling the potential number of users and the average revenue per user
  • Forecasting costs - Modelling the cost of implementation and expansion
  • Any other business

For more information, please contact Stefania Gavra at [email protected].