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Energy Roadmaps: How can the US and EU work together to encourage investment in a clean, secure power system?

As EU-US trade talks continue, a major policy goal on both sides of the Atlantic is to develop a sustainable, secure electricity system. But how to make that really happen? How to encourage private investment in it – from technology to installation to operation? Can both sides, through trade and incentives, work together towards the goal of a clean and secure electricity system? This roundtable discussion will compare EU and US plans for optimal energy mixes for 2030 and beyond, and how to speed a transition to a low-carbon, affordable and reliable energy network. The conclusions of this discussion will be published by the Science|Business news service- with a special eye on how the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership could make it easier, cheaper and faster for both the EU and the US to achieve their energy goals. Among questions to be discussed:

  • How to stimulate investment in renewable energy sources? When do subsidies end and the market takes over?
  • Can the EU and US together speed development of cost-effective renewable energies?
  • How to lower costs and speed installation of smart grids capable of handling intermittent and diversified new energy resources?
  • What standard-setting or regulatory actions on either side of the Atlantic can speed trade in energy technologies?


This event is organised as part of Transatlantic Week, an annual visit of top-level EU Parliamentarians and officials to Washington. Science|Business is a Brussels media company assisting the Week’s organisers. CSIS is a public policy research institution based in Washington. 
