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Digital healthcare: from hospitals to the home

Digital healthcare is becoming a reality – but there are bottlenecks to overcome. Already apps are on the market to monitor patients with diabetes, schizophrenia and heart disease. Digital technologies are helping dementia patients stay in the community. Our smartphones can be used to monitor our health 24/7. But how to get these innovations used at scale?

We will discuss what role H2020 could play in decreasing costs of healthcare in Europe by taking advantage of the advancement of digital healthcare technologies and promoting a more systemic and organisational approach. The integration of digital technologies in the system enables us to shift our perspective in healthcare-modeling and practice ‘from hospitals to the home’, with potential to deliver additional cost savings at regional, national and European levels.

This topic is especially timely given that the current work programme does not have a close focus on the systemic approach and its potential to drive costs down in healthcare.

Event pack


19:00 - Welcome reception

19:30 - Dinner discussion

Welcome by Richard L. Hudson, CEO, Science|Business

Horizon 2020: Future directions: 

  • Waldemar Kütt, Head of Cabinet of Commissioner for Research, Innovation and
    Science, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn
  • Paul Timmers, Director of the Sustainable & Secure Society Directorate, DG
    CNECT, European Commission

Digital healthcare case studies

  • DALLAS project - presented by Andrew Chitty, Executive Director, Digital Life
    Sciences; Advisor, Technology Strategy Board
  • CERN developments in Medical Physiscs - presented by Manjit Dosanjh, Life
    Sciences Advisor and Knowledge Transfer deputy group leader, CERN

Open discussion

21:30 - Carriages

Andrew Chitty
Executive Director, Digital Life Sciences; Advisor, Technology Strategy Board
Manjit Dosanjh
Life Sciences Advisor and KT Deputy Group Leader, CERN
Waldemar Kütt
Head of Cabinet of Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Maire Geoghegan Quinn, European Commission
Paul Timmers
Director of the Sustainable and Secure Society Directorate, DG Connect, European Commission
