In the UK, as across the EU, there is growing interest in improving the effectiveness of our healthcare systems by measuring what patients themselves think about it: What was the outcome of their treatment? But this is easier said than done.
The problem is in the data. Are we measuring the right things? Do we have the systems to gather the data? Will healthcare workers cooperate? Will administrators properly analyse the data? And will policy makers act on it? These are a series of classic Big Data problems that arise in many other fields, but are especially tricky in as politically sensitive a field as health management.
This Science|Business event, in partnership with the University of Warwick Medical School, focuses on the data Challenge – drawing especially on the unique experience of British health authorities.
08:30 – Registration and coffee
09:00 – Welcome by Sudhesh Kumar, Dean, Warwick Medical School
09:05 – Patient outcomes: Why do we care?
- Neena Gill, Member of the European Parliament for the West Midlands
- Annemarie Haverhals, Value Based Healthcare Director, Santeon Hospitals, Netherlands
- Professor Richard Lilford, Director of Public Health and Pro Dean Research, Warwick Medical School, Data, information and knowledge’
- Dr Mohit Misra, Chief Medical Officer & VP of Health Systems, Aetion & Member of the Health Technology Assessment Committee at the UK National Institute for Care and Excellence (NICE)
Moderator: Sudhesh Kumar, Dean, Warwick Medical School
Parallel sessions
10:15 – What are we measuring?
- Felix Faucon, Inspector General, Inspection générale des affaires sociales, French Ministry of Social Affairs & Health
- Dr Rishi Hazarika, Vice President, Implementation & Courses, ICHOM
- Dr Sally Lewis, Assistant Medical Director, Aneurin Bevan Health Board, Wales
- Harpreet Sood, Senior Fellow, Chair and Chief Executive's Office, NHS England
Moderator: Dr. Rishi Hazarika
10:15 – How are we gathering and handling the data?
- Professor Theo Arvanitis, Chair in e-Health Innovation and Head of Research, Institute of Digital Healthcare, Warwick Manufacturing Group, University of Warwick
- Chris Bates, Head of Analytics, Informatics & Research, TPP
- Stephen Bromhall, General Manager, GE Healthcare Digital, UKI
- Professor Joan Rodón Mòdol, Associate Dean, ESADE Business School.
Moderator: Professor Theo Arvanitis
11:20 Coffee
11:50 – Rapporteur Summaries of Parallel sessions
Closing plenary
12:10 – How are we analysing, and acting on, the data?
- Alison Evans, Impact and Innovation Lead, Alzheimer's Research UK
- Ian Forde, Policy Analyst, OECD Health Division, OECD Paris
- Professor Meghana Pandit, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
- Frederico Paoli, Performance of National Health Systems, DG Health and Food Safety, European Commission
Moderator: Richard L. Hudson, Editor-in-Chief & Chairman of the Board, Science|Business
13:15 Networking lunch
For further information, please contact Charlotte Martin @ [email protected] or +32 2 880 30 46