A public Science|Business ‘Research Futures’ webcast (15:00 – 16:00 CEST)
The R&D response to the COVID-19 crisis has been rightly praised in recent weeks, as scientists and institutions have mobilised to tackle the pandemic in unprecedented ways. However, the coronavirus has had less positive effects on the research world – from lockdowns of campuses and laboratories, to the suspension of whole ecosystems, pipelines and programmes which have been deemed ‘non-essential’.
In the latest webcast in Science|Business’ Research Futures series, R&D leaders from across Europe will discuss the disruption COVID-19 has brought to their organisations, public and private, and explore possible solutions and safety nets to ensure that the short-term impacts do not result in permanent damage.
Interact with us on Twitter: #SBFutures and #COVID19 / @scibus

For more information on this event, please contact Lysiane Pons at [email protected]