Copenhagen   |  

Big data, big deal: big problem?

In case you’ve been sleeping under a rock lately: Sharing and analyzing the growing volumes of research data internationally is now a very big deal  - for research, industry and policy. For biology, ecology, linguistics, astronomy and many other fields, it opens whole new research possibilities. For pharmaceuticals, energy, online media and other industries: big new business opportunities. But how will we protect privacy?

How will we keep networks secure? What rules do we need? Who should set them – national or international bodies? This panel will give 4 short examples of the opportunities of Big Data in research, and debate the rules that should govern them.


- Sandra Collins, Director, Digital Repository of Ireland, Royal Irish Academy
- Jan Reichelt, - Co-founder & President, Mendeley
- Isabelle Thizon de Gaulle, Vice-President European Strategic Initiatives & Scientific Relations, Sanofi
- John Wood, Co-Chair, Research Data Alliance

Moderator: Richard L. Hudson, CEO, ScienceBusiness