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After COP26: does the world have the right climate research priorities?

A Virtual panel organised by Science|Business in the Science Forum South Africa 2021 “Igniting conversations for World Science Forum 2022” (11:00 to 12:30 GMT+2)

Following the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, research and innovation has never been more important in the fight against climate change. But for all the investment in climate research, do we have the right priorities?

For example, is the balance between climate mitigation and adaptation correct? Which climate solutions do researchers feel were neglected at COP26 but could potentially lead to major breakthroughs? And how do the climate research priorities of Europe and Africa differ?

Horizon Europe, worth €95.5 billion over the next seven years, is set to be one of the motors of international climate research - at least 35 per cent of the budget will go towards tackling global warming - and Africa is set to be a key partner. What areas of research will it prioritise, and are they the right ones?

Priscilla Duboz
Researcher CNRS (Dakar) and Vice-Director of the observatory "Hommes-Milieux"
Adel El Gammal
Secretary General, European Energy Research Alliance
Dumisani Mthembu
Senior specialist: multilateral environmental agreements, Department of Science and Innovation, South Africa
Neville Sweijd
Director, Alliance for Collaboration on Climate and Earth Systems Science
