There’s a new kid on the block. How will the European Science Foundation justify its existence once the EU’s new pan European funding body moves into town?
Novartis’s move to take over UK biotech NeuTec Pharma at a large premium highlights how the so-called “superbugs” have reinvigorated pharma’s interest in antibiotics.
A team of researchers from ETH-Zürich is looking for investment for their spin-off company, XpresSys, to commercialise novel protein expression technology. The technology has the potential to revolutionise screening process for new drugs.
A spin off from ETH-Zürich has devised a new generation of detection equipment that could help in the fight against terrorism. The company is now seeking investment and possible partnerships to take the technology to a commercial level.
A group of researchers, led by Mark Pepys, at University College London has designed and chemically synthesised a new drug, which they have shown to reduce heart tissue damage following a heart attack.
Swiss researchers have devised a way to make X-ray imaging much more sensitive – and capable of being incorporated into current medical imaging equipment.
A team of Danish researchers has devised a method for developing faster silicon computer chips, and is now seeking investment to develop the technique.
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