Avio Aero

Avio Aero is a GE Aerospace business, leader in the design, production and maintenance of components and propulsion systems for civil and military aviation. With more than 110 years of history, Avio Aero has overcome epoch-making technological challenges in the aviation industry.

Avio Aero’s history began in 1908 with the development and production of the first aircraft engine derived from a racing car engine: the legendary FIAT AS8/75. A first important milestone in the history of the company, which soon became a reference point for the emerging Italian aviation industry. From piston to turbojet engines, Avio Aero has developed unique experience as designer, producer and maintainer of components and propulsion systems for both the civil and military aeronautical industry. Today, Avio Aero is present throughout all stages of the product lifecycle, from product design & development through production and aftermarket services, by offering innovative technological solutions which allow our customers to respond to the continuous market changes. Furthermore, Avio Aero played a leading role in the  GE Catalyst program: the first new turboprop engine, entirely developed and manufactured in Europe, entering its market segment after 50 years.

The company’s present challenge is to develop new enabling technologies aimed at reducing fuel consumption, CO2 and NOX emissions. Since Clean Sky 2 was established, and today within Clean Aviation, Avio Aero has an important role as a key contributor to the major research programs promoted by the European Commission with the objective of reducing emissions and ensuring that the European aeronautical sector can pave the way towards a more reliable, sustainable and decarbonized aviation.

Continuous investments in research and development and an established network of collaboration with top universities and international research centers have enabled Avio Aero to develop technological and manufacturing excellence recognized across the globe: an achievement borne from a range of collaborative partnerships with key players in the global aviation industry. 

Learn More 

Website:  https://www.avioaero.com/

Twitter:  @AvioAero

LinkedIn:  Avio Aero - a GE Aviation Business

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Instagram: @avio_aero

YouTube:   Avio Aero


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