A private Science|Business online Network expert workshop (10:00 – 12:00 CET)
Against a backdrop of energy price volatility, rising carbon emissions, and deep uncertainties about the effectiveness of international climate action, the importance of creating a viable green hydrogen market grows exponentially. From intergovernmental initiatives such as Mission Innovation, to the next generation of industry-led partnerships under Horizon Europe, the race is on to make existing and emerging hydrogen technologies fully operational and price-competitive.
In line with its wider climate-neutrality and industrial transformation agenda, the EU is in the vanguard of those striving to make this a reality. Under the 2020 German council presidency, member states launched a joint research and innovation (R&I) initiative on green hydrogen, as part of the revitalisation of the European Research Area. And after many months of extensive consultation with public, private and civil sector stakeholders, it is expected to deliver a new strategic R&I agenda before Christmas.
So as the new year unfolds, the key question will be what this means concretely for science and technology organisations across Europe and beyond, including industry pioneers. Which thematic areas will be targeted for new projects, and with what scale of resources? Will new alliances and partnerships take shape as a result? How will the new agenda influence future work programmes in Horizon and other funding schemes? And – perhaps most importantly – can it realistically deliver the sustainable, competitive green hydrogen economy of Europe’s dreams?
In this private roundtable, the Science|Business Network will convene experts and leading figures from across the policy, industry and research spectrum to debate these issues and explore the way forward.