The ACES Selection Committee

22 Nov 2008 | News
The finalists for the ACES Academic Enterprise Award were selected at a meeting on 5 November at University College London. Here are the participants.

Iordanis Arzimanoglou,  CEO Thessaloniki Innovation Zone, Aristotle University 

Silvio Bonaccio, Head of Transfer, ETH - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich

Neil Bradshaw, Director of Enterprise, University of Bristol

Johan Carlsten, Vice President, Chalmers University of Technology

Anthony Clarke, Managing Director, GLE Growth Capital - comprising London Business Angels and London Seed Capital; Main Board Director of GLE Group

*Dr. Malcolm Cross, Director of Bath Ventures, University of Bath

Sylvain Gilat, Head, Communications & Global Advancement, ESPCI ParisTech

André Hagehülsmann, Innovation Manager Europe, Microsoft

Tom Hockaday, Managing Director, Isis Innovation 

Dr. Elena Lurie-Luke, Director of Global BioScience Business Development, Procter & Gamble

John Mihell, Business Development Manager, University of Warwick

Julia Prats, Head of the Entrepreneurship Department, IESE Business School, University of Navarra

*Tony Raven,  Director of Research and Enterprise Services, Southampton University

Mike Spyer, Vice-Provost (Enterprise), UCL

Carl Johan Sundberg, University Lecturer, Associate Professor Coordinator Science & Society at the President's office, Karolinska Institutet; Department of Physiology & Pharmacology/Unit for Bioentrepreneurship

*Gianluca Valentini, Vice-Rector and Professor,  Politecnico di Milano

Jordi Vinaixa, Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship, ESADE Business School

Colin Wyatt, Business Development Director, Imperial College London

*Lars Øystein Widding, Centre for Entrepreneurship, NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Members with potential conflicts on the Bridge Award recused themselves.

*Not participating in meeting, but provided input beforehand

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