Business Finland

Business Finland offers Finnish companies a unified customer journey for innovation activities, internationalization, investments, and tourism promotion.

Business Finland was created on 1st January 2018 by the merger of two organizations: Finpro, which offered services for internationalization, investments and tourism promotion, and Tekes, which offered funding for innovation activities. It aims to help Finland become the most attractive and competitive innovation environment in which companies are able to grow, change, and succeed.

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Business Finland News

Finland remodels its innovation strategy

Tekes and Finpro will merge to form Business Finland, putting all services under one roof, fostering collaboration and supporting cross sector innovation and scale up

06 Jul 2017

Exports increased in SMEs funded by Tekes by more than EUR 2.6 billion

Tekes funding has a major impact on the growth and success of businesses. More than 80% of Tekes customers that have been successful in their innovation activities say that Tekes funding was a key part of their success. Jobs increased by 16 per cent in SMEs funded by Tekes during the period 2012–2015.

09 Feb 2017